Location: No set location
Meeting time: Pending
Project Lead: Shivani Potdar, spotdar31@gatech.edu
We aim to reduce bird collisions on campus by installing bird safe film and reducing light pollution that disorients birds by installing motion sensor lights and turning off lights at night.
Recently, we have:
– Installed bird safe film on 2 bridges of the ISYE building, around 850 square feet
– Installed motion sensor lights in 2 buildings
– Advocated reporting bird deaths on a website called dbird.org, and have received over 200 data points
May 2024: Project progress featured on Birds Georgia website: MAKING GEORGIA TECH SAFER FOR MIGRATING BIRDS
November 2022: Bird Safe members awarded Micro Research Grant for Regenerative Built Enviornments from Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems. See these links: Micro-Grants Community-Based Research & Micro-Grants Community-Based Research Teams Present their Work
January 2022: Project featured in The Technique
April 18, 2023: Micro-Grants Community-Based Research Symposium, Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, Atlanta, GA
Campus Collaborators
Past Project Leads